The colorful 30-foot plus We ♥ Houston sign could be thought of as Houston’s equivalent of Los Angeles’s Hollywood sign. David Adickes, a local artist and sculptor, created the sign out of concrete and steel. It is located on property Mr. Adickes owns along Chester Street near the Heights and faces I-10. Some of Mr. Adickes’s art works include the 67-foot tall Sam Houston statue near Huntsville, the 36-foot cellist named Virtuoso at the downtown Lyric Centre, 36-foot tall concrete statues of the Beatles, and Mount Rush Hour near the intersection of I-10 and I-45 in American Statesman Park. Mount Rush Hour includes the 18-foot tall busts of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Sam Houston, and Stephen F. Austin (photo courtesy of RedStripePhotography)

This mural is called “Greetings from Houston,” and is by Daniel Anguilu. The mural is on Gelazzi at 3601 White Oak (photo courtesy of Apple Watson Comunale)