In the News

Posing with Deborah Duncan following her May 25, 2017 show. Kathy was privileged to appear on the show six months earlier, on November 3, 2016.
Kathy visits with fellow author Maria Ashworth for Maria’s blog, May 26, 2015.

The Houston Chronicle ran an article about the Maud Smith Marks Library’s 25th anniversary…and included Kathy in the photo!
Maud Marks branch celebrates 25 years (Houston Chronicle, July 18, 2018)
Feedback from Readers
“I have my autographed copy of H is for Houston written by my new favorite author, Kathy Slaughter! I met Kathy when she substituted in my classroom probably 20 to 25 years ago. I wrote “Great Sub” next to her name on my personal sub list. That great sub became a great teacher at our school, then a great reading specialist, and now she’s a great children’s book author! Kathy, your friends will be rooting for you! Good luck!” Vickie Peacock
“Enjoyed our bedtime story tonight. He insisted on reading it to me and asked all sorts of great questions!” Facebook friend and loyal reader
Visiting with students at Rees Elementary, November 18, 2016

With Wendy Weiss of the Alief ISD, speaking to specialists at the social studies district meeting, January 31, 2017.

Speaking to third and fourth graders at Liestman Elementary about H is for Houston and the writing process, March 10, 2017.
“Thank you so much for coming today. It was a pleasure to meet you, and to hear you talk to the students. Your book, H is for Houston, is just perfect for introducing second graders to Houston, and it’s detailed enough that fourth graders will certainly learn as much from reading it as I did! I also appreciate the way that you encouraged the children to read and to write throughout their lives.”
Karen Schiver, Cummings Elementary School Librarian

With technology specialist Jennifer Y. Wong at Chancellor Elementary School career day, February 8, 2018.
Meeting Other Authors

Writers are also readers. Michael Connelly is one of my favorite authors, and I enjoyed meeting him at a recent signing at Murder by the Book in Houston.

Harlan Coben, on right, is another of my favorite authors. My husband George and I enjoyed meeting Harlan at Murder by the Book, where he was signing copies of his latest book, Don’t Let Go.

Brad Taylor, center, is another favorite author. George and I enjoyed meeting him at Murder by the Book, where he was promoting his latest book, Operator Down.

With friend Alice Grabowski, standing at right, and authors Christi Daugherty and Ruth Ware, seated, at Murder by the Book, June 8, 2018.

Daniel Silva came to Murder by the Book on July 22, 2018, to promote his latest book, The Other Woman. George and I enjoyed meeting him.
Check back for more articles about Kathy and H is for Houston!
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